If The Couch Could Speak
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if a bunch of therapists sat down together to talk life, therapy, and our wild experiences? Here's your chance to take a peak and even ask us questions! If you have a specific question for the panel, please send me an email!!
If The Couch Could Speak was conceived by Jessica Ehrman (LMFT) and includes a panel of mental health professionals from across the US. Check out the Happy Lil Brains website for episode details and panel bios! Episodes are available for your listening pleasure on Spotify or Anchor, or you can watch us on YouTube!
If The Couch Could Speak was conceived by Jessica Ehrman (LMFT) and includes a panel of mental health professionals from across the US. Check out the Happy Lil Brains website for episode details and panel bios! Episodes are available for your listening pleasure on Spotify or Anchor, or you can watch us on YouTube!
Most recent Episode: from Spotify
Episode 10: Encanto!
Check out episode 10 where I get to try my hand at hosting for the first time! In this episode we DO talk about Bruno, and be warned - there are PLENTY of spoilers. This episode was so much fun!
Past episodes
Episode list:
- This week we explore: who we are and what we do, lessons from grad school, the spider pages of CAMFT, ethics, our dream offices, and the craziness of mental health.
- Join us as we explore the spider pages, unethical practices, dating as a therapist, burnout, and how to find the right therapist
- This week we explore the importance of therapists having their own therapy, keeping a poker face in session, and what we'd be doing if we weren't therapists.
- This week is our halloween episode! Join us as we explore scary disciplinary/unethical cases, our scariest moments as therapists, and the treats of what we do. Take a look at us on youtube (@happylilbrains) to see our costumes.
- This week we explore unethical dual relationships, what we're known for but never intended, and nostalgic games from our childhoods.
- This week we explore unethical couple's work, our experiences navigating the bureaucracy of our fields, our gratitudes for our work, and what boundaries we would enforce if we could.
- This week, the panel is interviewed by MommaFoxFire. Join us as we explore our experiences as therapists, pet peeves, what we love hearing in session, how we got here, and more!
- On today's very special episode of If The Couch Could Speak, the gang first spends an hour playing a hilarious game and then later gets into a fascinating Spider Pages discussion! Oh, most of the panelists either start under the influence, or head there during this late-night recording. Join us for the longest, and probably most amazing, episode we've done to date.
- This week we explore what happens when others find out we're a therapist, how we handle emotion dumping in social situations, and dating as a therapist. Join us next week as we explore the movie Encanto.
- This week, we absolutely talk about Bruno! This episode is all about exploring Encanto. Join us next time for an extra special episode: meet the pets of the panel! We will also explore animals in therapy.
- What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than to meet the fur babies we love the most?! This episode we also explore unethical associates, animal assisted therapy, service animals, and emotional support animals.